Taught Me How To Walk

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Krila - terapötik binicilik veya engelli çocuklar için uyarlanabilir binicilik; engellilerin gelişimine yardım etmede hedeflere ulaşmanın yanı sıra, insan haklarını koruma ve insani, sosyal ve sağlık inançlarına riayet etmek için kurulmuş kar amacı gütmeyen bir sivil toplum ve hayır kurumudur.

 Presently, the Association employs three physotherapists who are educated for the hippotherapy treatements (holding the Certificates from the education in Slovenia), and an additional horseback riding coach educated in Croatia, an engineer for agriculture.

There are 15 horses engaged in the program, and many volunteers - 277. The clients come on private initiative and from Education Centers.

In 2007 Krila included in its curriculum the hippotherapy program, which is a professional therapy done by educated physiotherapists. It is the only organization in Croatian at the moment which has both the therapeutic riding and the hippotherapy treatment program.

Clients (155 in 2012) are mostly children cerebral palsy patients (83%) that benefit greatly from the hippotherapy in the sense of rehabilitation, life quality improvement and the adaptation of motor skills. We also offer Theraputic drama studio, Psychological consulting and many workshops during the year. For improving their skills we offer sport riding for children with disabilities and competitions on a national level.

Voluntary work is important for our association beyond measure. Our volunteers do a great deal of work, most importantly help children considering therapeutic riding which is supervised by our professional stuff.


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