Taught Me How To Walk

TRAG logoΟι δραστηριότητες θεραπευτικής ιππασίας ξεκίνησαν στην Ελλάδα το 1982. Το 1992 συγκροτείται ο Σύνδεσμος Θεραπευτικής Ιππασίας Ελλάδας (ΣΘΙΕ) με νομική μορφή συλλόγου μη κερδοσκοπικού. Τα μέλη του είναι γονείς, θεραπεύτες και υποστηρικτές της θεραπευτικής μεθόδου με τη χρήση αλόγων.

Krila logo


Krila - the therapeutic horseback riding or the adaptive riding for children with disabillities is a nongovernmental, not-for.profit charity civil organizatin founded in order to protect human rights and to comply the humanitarian, social and health beliefs as well as to achieve goals in directly helping childred with difficulties in development and people with disabilities.

Anche Noi A Cavallo logoUn Sogno Realizzato

"Anche Noi a Cavallo" è un'Associazione riconosciuta senza scopi di lucro costituitasi nel 1987 grazie a un gruppo di persone che avevano un obiettivo comune: creare un Centro di Rieducazione Equestre.

Negli anni '80 la Rieducazione Equestre (R.E.) non era ancora molto conosciuta come attività rieducativa per disabili e pertanto il primo passo è stato quello della divulgazione. Nel frattempo furono trovati i fondi per realizzare le strutture necessarie e dal 1990 l'attività si svolge senza interruzioni.

Nevsehir LogoOur School was founded in 2001-2002 academic years . It has approximately 7.500 square meters closed area and 36.000 square meters range. 850 students can receive education simultaneously. It has 3 computer labs that are equipped with 120 computers and OHPS, 17 classrooms that have total capacity of 850 students, 2 electronic labs and a graphics and photography studios.

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